Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence

Gang Hua

Gang Hua, Ph.D.

Vice President, Multimodal Experiences Lab

Dolby Laboratories

firstnamelastname AT 


[Vision Lab][Teaching] @Stevens Institute of Technology

Research Interests:

  • Computer vision and pattern recognition
  • Aritifical intelligence and robotics
  • Machine learning, data mining, and connected multimedia
  • Human-machine collaborative systems

Short Biography:

Gang Hua is the Vice President of the Multimodal Experiences Research Lab at Dolby Laboratories. His research focuses on computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, robotics, towards general Artificial Intelligence, with primary applications in cloud and edge intelligence, and currently with a focus on new retail intelligence. Before that, he was the CTO of Convenience Bee, and  the Managing Director and Chief Scientist of its research branch in US, Wormpex AI Research (2018-2024).. He also served in various roles at Microsoft (2015-18) as the Science/Technical Adviser to the CVP of the Computer Vision Group, Director of Computer Vision Science Team in Redmond and Taipei ATL, and Senior Principal Researcher/Research Manager at Microsoft Research . He was an Associate Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology (2011-15). During 2014-15, he took an on leave and worked on the Amazon-Go project. He was a Visiting Researcher (2011-14) and a Research Staff Member (2010-11) at IBM Research T. J. Watson Center, a Senior Researcher (2009-10) at Nokia Research Center Hollywood, and a Senior Scientist (2006-09) at Microsoft Live labs Research. He received his Ph.D. degree in ECE from Northwestern University in 2006. He is an IEEE Fellow, an IAPR Fellow, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist. He is the recipient of the 2015 IAPR Young Biometrics Investigator Award. He has published more than 160 peer reviewed papers in top conferences and journals. To date, he holds 19 US patents and has 15 more patents pending. (See for my professional profile.)


  • 07/13/2024: Four papers accepted by ECCV2024!
  • 05/02/2024: One paper accepted by ICML 2024!
  • 02/26/2024: Three papers accepted by CVPR 2024!
  • 02/27/2023: Four papers accepted by CVPR 2023!
  • 07/07/2022: One paper accepted by T-PAMI!
  • 07/05/2022: Two papers accepted by ECCV 2022!
  • 06/29/2022: One paper accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022!
  • 12/02/2021: Three papers accepted by AAAI'2022!
  • 09/28/2021: One paper accepted by NeuriIPS'2021!
  • 07/23/2021: Five papers accepted by ICCV'2021!
  • 02/28/2021: Four papers accepted by CVPR'2021!
  • 12/02/2020: Three papers accepted by AAAI'2021!
  • 09/27/2020: One paper accepted by NeuralIPS2020, congrats to Dongdong Chen and other collaborators!
  • 07/02/2020: Three papers acceted by ECCV'2020, congratulations to all my collaborators!
  • 02/24/2020: Five papers acceted by CVPR'2020 -- 18 years of continuous jurney in CVPR!
  • 01/22/2020: Accepted the invitation to serve as Area Chairs for both ECCV'2020, CVPR'2021, ACCV'2020, and ICPR'2020.
  • 01/22/2020: One paper accepted by TPAMI and one paper accepted by IJCV!
  • 11/11/2019: One paper accepted by TPAMI, one paper accepted by AAAI'2020 and one paper accepted by WACV'2020!
  • 07/22/2019: One paper accepted by ICCV'2019! 12 years of continuous journey in ICCV!
  • 01/30/2019: One paper accepted by ICRA2019!
  • 12/15/2018: I have recently joined Wormpex AI Research to establish a new research group for BianLiFeng (a fast growing convenience store chain)
  • 11/05/2018: One paper accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing and one paper acceted by AAAI'2019
  • 09/07/2018: Two papers accepted by T-PAMI and One paper accepted by JMLR
  • 07/09/2018: Four papers accepted by ECCV'2018.
  • 02/23/2018: Three papers accepted by CVPR'2018 -- 16 years of continuous journey in CVPR!
  • 08/14/2017: Four papers accepted by ICCV'2017.
  • 07/01/2017: One paper accepted by UAI'2017.
  • 05/17/2017: I am appointed as one of the three "Associate Editor in Chief" for the Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
  • 05/01/2017: I moved back to Microsoft headquarter in Redmond.
  • 04/12/2017: 1 paper, coauthored with my graduated Ph.D. student Haoxiang Li, accepted by T-PAMI (on our PEP model)
  • 04/06/2017: 1 paper accepted to SIGGRAPH! My first SIGGRAPH paper (with Jing, Lu, and Sing Bing on Bidrectional Image Analogy)
  • 03/22/2017: 6 papers accepted to .CVPR! My 15 years of continuous journey in CVPR, time flies!
  • 03/22/2017: Area Chairs for CVPR'17, ACM MM'17, and ICCV'17 -- a busy year.
  • 03/22/2017: Finally refreshed all the web pages.
  • More Archived ... ...

Call for Papers:

Contact Information:

Wormpex AI Research LLC Phone: (425) 620-3123
500 108th Ave NE, Ste 1740 Fax: N/A
Bellevue, WA 98004 Email:

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